Tuesday, February 20, 2007


I missed the President's day coupons being handed out on the Connecticut River Monorail!

I think they have a Steamed Cheeseburger concession and that would have been a treat as well. arghhhhslobberslobber...those are yummy.

The Sterns have several books on food around the nation. Here they are on Boston.com and here is his site Roadfood. I have not tried this trick but I do think that renting a horse to ride up to the Botsford's drive-through is pretty classy.

I am also a big fan of Louis Lunch in New Haven, very tasty. It takes an entire month to count and catalog their spoons, it shuts them down for all of August every year. I keep forgetting to pay attention to what manner of intricate elaborate spoons they must have but each time I show up I am consumed with burger thoughts. It may remain a mystery to me forever.

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