Tuesday, June 19, 2007


is a book I'm reading by Mary Roach. This section is amusing and interesting beginning with the 21 grams notion but including a possible method for using a pregnant woman to de-haunt a house and the rare fact that Leprechauns have a similar volume to a human soul. Crackpots abound and the author has fun with the material. The silver hammer entry below was also referred to in the book.
Lostmag looks pretty good, I'm bookmarking it.


pjceltic said...

Just purchased Mary Roach's "Stiff: The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers (Unabridged)" on audible. I am still puzzled why you do not listen to books with your commute. I am phsyched to have something new to listen to. Try Sex Lives of Cannibals or "lonesome dove" a great audio book...

mc said...

I have had computer snafus up the ying yang. I need to put a bunch on the ipod because morning radio is unlistenable. I now truly hate NPR. They have no right to dig into our paychecks in however small amount without or consent to stage that propaganda, especially after they no have a multi hundred million dollar warchest from the widow Krock.

pjceltic said...

Maybe you should erase the whole hard drive and re install. I did that once on my last pc and it did the trick. A risky and frustrating endeavor though...