Wednesday, June 6, 2007


Jimmy sent this email which I will simply reproduce here and hopefully add links later:

Today is D-Day which was the beginning of the liberation of Europe from the Nazi regime (or for you Democrats out there our war of agression against Germany as we were never physically attacked by them).

If you know a vet from that era, thank them and better yet buy them a drink. I always think of old Don Walters this day as he was there...

Anyway, just a pause is a good way to remember what went on 63 years ago today.


Link to FAQ at D-day museum via Boortz

Dogpile results

Encyclopedia Britannica

National Geographic

And this has been making email rounds for a couple of years, "If D-day had been reported on today."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for posting, it is a good thing that Google rememebers such historic days as Secretaries day with little icons, but would not acknowledge Memorial Day or a day like D-Day. At least now the libs won't publicly treat people in the service like they did the soldiers who fought in Vietnam. LGF has a good thread as well.