Thursday, March 1, 2007

Tax refund time!!

Hmmm....time for a look on ebay....electric shock pens for 99 cents...Roman coins, can't fake something that old...Personalized Big Head doll, that's pretty slick...also available in keychain size and all it takes is two photos...Oooooh, now this could be usefull--German noble title Graf von Leuchtenberg, I may be only as well educated as a dog but I may still earn some measure of respect in certain circles...Floggers for Bloggers...or here, let the welt tell them you love them...folks may need the forensic black light keychain if they took those last two seriously... Liquid fart prank...A thousand acres on Mars, some trashy Martian family will squat on it and take ownership before I could actually get there...Stop your wine bottle with Australian P.M. John Howard's butt...I already have a bottle opener made out of a kangaroo's scrotum so I'll pass..."lovely victim of oppression" snowglobe, it's actually official...White dude's dread locks so he can go to spring break..."It would make a great replacement tooth for your dog..." I do hope to be a dog owner someday that may be useful...

All in all fairly uninspiring, I guess auctions are by nature hit and just don't come across a Ghost in a Jar everyday. I suppose it will just go to paying bills, how boring.

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