Thursday, March 22, 2007


...aside from the feces consumption, (coprophagy, are they really certain they only consume their own?) they are lovely, cayman and piranha defiant 100 pound rodents!!! Tomorrow is Friday...choose fish!!! (although the empendadas sound great...fishy capy-nadas!!!)

Take the quiz!!

As for question twelve:

The question is how to control the exponential and disordered growth of native species. In the case of the capybara population expansion, in addition to the impact in areas of gallery forest regeneration due to over grazing and trampling, there is a serious problem of public health. Capybaras are the host of the bacteria Rickettsia rickettsii (Wolbach 1919) Brumpt 1922 that is transmitted to humans by the star tick (Amblyomma cajennense Fabricius, 1787) and causes the Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever (RMSF).


Unknown said...

Wow, that's what those are. I swear I've seen these guys roastin' on the grill when passing through a Columbian festival in Queens last summer. I thought they were eating giant rats! They're also not nearly as cute once the hair is burned off...

mc said...

Jonathan if you know of another time when that occurs let me know, I have to have a taste...

anonymous, maybe if you asked a south american what a chicken tastes like they would reply "guinea pig."