Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Letters of Marque

Instapundit has a post mentioning this in today's context this morning. There was a good book several years ago about Captain Kidd the pirate or privateer. He was all over this area keeping some of his loot in a warehouse in Stamford. The East Hampton library still has a fragment of his booty:

The nieces and nephew of Charles W. Osborne gave property on the corner of Buell Lane and Main Street as a Memorial Green in their uncle's name, making the Library's setting even lovelier. The Long Island Collection continued to grow. It had by now become a trove of remarkable artifacts and documents: The 1641 deed to Shelter Island, a sash from the Huron Tribe given to Rev. Samuel Buell, a fragment of the cloth woven with gold thread that Captain Kidd gave to Mrs. Gardiner during his famous visit to Gardiner's Island in 1699, the East Hampton Book of Laws published in 1665, an Indian Bible of 1685, and first-hand reports of whaling voyages, witch trials, genealogical information, account books, diaries and deeds.

This could bring up Oak Island which is very cool.

arrrr...termites of the sea!

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